Sitting on a split is very impressive and it shows how flexible you are. This painful idea also looks super fun and good at first especially when you see 8 years old kid doing it. But in reality, this exercise can end up being one of the most challenging and physically tiring.
According to some studies, women have an easier time gaining flexibility and sitting on a split because they have wider hip areas. So naturally, it is easy for a girl to stretch her body. But unless a man Is flexible naturally, doing splits can be more challenging for him than a girl even if both of them stretched the same amount, for the same time, etc.
So, tell me when is the last time you did the splits? For many of us, the answer is NEVER. Don’t worry that’s normal.
People often ask “what is the best way to learn splits”? the truth is, it all depends on the flexibility of one body. For some people is very challenging than the others.
Especially for a man, before jumping onto the splits, check how much your body can twist and bend. And before you attempt this exercise watch some videos and take professional guidance, so you don’t hurt yourself.
Nowadays splits are one of the most demanding exercises to learn, so I’ll teach you everything you need to know to have the best chance of doing the splits in a week. These stretches will slowly lead you towards the full split exercise.
Here you go:
The V stretch targets the lower parts of your body that is the lower back, inner thigh, and hamstrings making them flexible for a split.
You just have to sit on the floor and spread your legs wide in a V shape, try to keep your back as straight as possible then lean to try to touch your toes, don’t worry if you cannot reach but try hard and hold the position for 30-60 seconds then repeat on the other leg.
Next, spread your arms straight in front of you and try to touch the floor with your chest. Hold this stretch for 30-60 seconds.
This butterfly stretch works in the groin area and inner tight making it extremely flexible for splits.
Sit on a floor and bend your knees in a way that they point outwards and your feet are pressed together then push your knees close to the floor as much as possible and your heels close to the groin area.
Sit straight and hold the stretch for 30-60 seconds.
To stretch out your hamstring and lower back, touching your toes from both seated and standing positions can really be help full.
You can do this while sitting, sit on your butt with your legs together and toes pointing up, lean forward, and try to touch your toes. It’s okay if you cannot touch it, grab your ankle first instead and hold the position for 30-60 seconds. But if your hands reach the toes, wrap your hands around the soles of your feet.
While standing, stand with your feet together, lean down, and try to touch your toes. Don’t bend your knees and instead of putting weight on your heels try to keep weight on the balls of your feet instead. If you are really flexible, try to touch the floor with the palm of your hands.
Hold the position for 30-60 seconds.
The lunge stretch is best to loosen up your hips, which is necessary for performing a good split. The flexibility of the hips plays a major role in splits.
Sit on your knees on the floor, step forward with your right foot and bend both knees until you feel the stretch in your thigh.
Then place your hand on your hip and keep your back straight. Slowly and gradually shift your weight forward until you feel the stretch on your hip and thigh.
Hold this position for 30-60 seconds
For better results try to be consistent and spend some time on these exercises daily! Getting fancy with crazy and difficult stretches doesn’t always lead to faster improvement! It’s important to attend some online training sessions for avoiding any injuries.
HAPPY STRETCHING. https://flexderek.com/stretchingonline/
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