Has anybody ever told you that having the perfect body is not just about strength and muscle mass, but also about flexibility, or how much your body can twist and bend?
We have all heard about the term” body flexibility” before right, and people usually think it’s just about stretching.
Well! That’s not the whole picture!
Flexibility is the ability to move your joints through their full range of motion, which allows you to perform basic movements, which can reduce the tension on your joints, and lessen pain in your body.
Have you ever Walked into yoga classes you see that there’s one group of people who can easily bend or touch their toes but on the other side people relies on bend knees, blocks and straps? It’s totally okay to belong to the second group.
You might be surprised to know that It is possible to improve your flexibility even if you haven’t touched your toes in years.
There are some ticks and tricks to improve your flexibility.
Most People who start practicing yoga are not flexible in the beginning, but they are quite the opposite actually.
It’s very common to hear people say they can’t do yoga because they are not flexible. flexibility is made by inches, it’s not a one-time thing so it’s harder to track and easier to give up that’s why it is called a practice because flexibility is the result of yoga. You can also practice yoga through online training in your comfort zone.
Each and every body is different and unique therefore something may be good for one person and dangerous for another. So the first step of improving flexibility is noticing which area of your body moves easily and which does not.
Start working on the particularly tight areas, some of the stretches are challenging, but they are the ones you need the most because they are the hard and stiff areas of your body.
Before starting it’s important to consult a trainer.
Did you know your breathing pattern is also responsible for your good posture and relaxed muscles? Focus on your breathing and check the interconnection of your body posture by inhaling and exhaling. You will notice a big difference in your posture when you are relaxed.
Remain calm by keeping your breathing long and smooth so that it doesn’t trigger muscle contractions.
the oxygen is removed when you compress your breath resulting in tightening and contracting the muscles. Keep reminding yourself to relax to improve flexibility through breathing.
Especially when you are stretching, count your breath and try to inhale and exhale with equal length. This will lead to your muscles relaxing.
Yin yoga is one of the most effective practices for flexibility. it particularly helps stretch the deep connective tissues between the muscles and fascia which is great for increasing the flexibility in the body.
It is scientifically proven that your muscles need time to relax and yin yoga increases blood circulation, reduces tension in the muscles, and allows you to relax. Yin yoga poses aim to stretch and work in the joint area.
Each passing day you will be amazed to see how much your muscles relax as compared to when you first started. start by staying in the position for 60 seconds then increase it with time. you can take online training sessions for better results.
when you want something badly, you have to be consistent to make it happen. You can start by setting short-term goals, weekly or monthly for developing flexibility and try to stick to them. For better tracking, you can also take a before and after picture to measure the improvements but the only way to see the results is to stay consistent and to create a daily habit to stretch even for a few minutes
Flexibility is not just about your body but it’s about your mind too, have new experiences and realize how much your body and mind are connected. Overall, stay calm, patient and enjoy the journey
#stretching online #stretching workshops #yoga