Flexibility naturally decreases as you age. Some studies have even shown that it decreases by 50% in some areas that’s why people are very concerned about flexibility when they reach a certain age
As we get older our bodies become more rigid, and the muscles and joints become stiff and don’t move easily, which makes daily activities challenging, and yes a lack of flexibility also makes you more prone to accidents later in life.
But we have good news for all of you, improvement in flexibility can happen at any age.
In order to improve flexibility and minimize the loss of range of motion studies have strongly supported the benefits of regular stretching and mobility training. It’s never too late to start improvement but the sooner you start the better it is.
Imagine how would you feel if your flexibility improves by following some simple tricks. Such as:
Stretching can do wonders in developing and improving flexibility. Stretching regularly can help your muscles regain their elasticity. Try to stretch your muscles to a point where they feel tight without causing pain.
Keep in mind that stretching too much can cause serious injuries like shoulder dislocation, tears, muscle strains, etc. it’s better to take some personal online sessions from a trainer so you can practice it in your home.
Pick some stretching poses and hold each pose for 10-30 seconds to improve the flexibility in your body. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, improves blood flow, and maintains a range of motions in joints. but Remember consistency is the key.
Good posture plays a vital role in improving flexibility. We hear a lot of” stop slouching” from our friends and family. Poor posture negatively affects the spine and joints, ultimately leading to pain in the back and shoulders.
When you begin to slouch, practice being active and mindful. It will not just make your posture good but also make to seem confident. At first, it might feel uncomfortable but over time it will straighten out your muscles, relax the back and shoulders, and reduce body pain level, leading to more flexibility and easy movement of the body.
It is believed that rolling with a foam roller, or massage ball helps prevent injury and increase flexibility. Rolling warms up your muscles and increases the blood flow in your body allowing your muscles and joints to relax.
According to some research, rolling increases hip flexion range of motion and helps with hamstring flexibility. It’s important to incorporate rolling into your fitness routine.
When you are not used to stretching it might be painful at first, but your body is your ultimate guide so take note and move slowly. During any of these flexibility exercises sometimes it may cause mild to moderate discomfort, you should never be pushing through pain, Instead, stretch until you feel a mild sensation and hold it there before a gentle release. After a while, you’ll be able to hold the stretch more deeply as your flexibility improves. If you start small and grow your flexibility using the methods above, your body will thank you today, and for the rest of your life.
It’s better to take some guidance from the trainer before starting.
Personal stretching online workshops: https://flexderek.com/stretchingonline/
#stretching online #stretching workshops