Individual stretching training via online
Hello friends, my name is Vyacheslav Komakha. I ask you to forgive me in advance, I wrote this text myself, and there may be mistakes. So - for sure, each of you wants to have good stretching, but there is no time to go to fitness clubs for specialized training. But do you remember that we live in a world of modern technology? Then you can just relax, you will not need to go to the coach, the coach will come to you himself. Not literally, of course. All that will be needed for this is Internet access on any of the gadgets and the presence of the Skype, Viber, telegram, WhatsUpp Zoom programs. The benefits of stretching and stretching and the development of body flexibility.
First, you should learn about the benefits of stretching: It covers all vital areas of our body. - Flexibility exercises relieve muscle tension. For the most part, our body is in constant tension, and it needs to be allowed to relax. - After stretching you will start to sleep better, feel energized and have a productive brain.
Stretching also helps to improve coordination, which will allow you to make your gait more graceful and align your posture. - Exercise speeds up your metabolism. A good metabolism is the key to a healthy body and harmony. - Thanks to such exercises, your skin will become more elastic and elastic. - Stretching helps to get rid of extra pounds, volumes and makes your body more beautiful. All this and much more, because not all the advantages are listed here, you can feel for yourself. You don't even need to leave your home to get these results. It will be difficult not to find time for classes with such amenities.
Online stretching and stretching workouts live here.
I train according to the method of the most flexible person in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records. I've been doing stretching since 2009. Believes flexibility is the key to happiness. After all, flexibility allows energy to move throughout the body. Bodily tightness goes on a par with notoriousness, and physical freedom of movement allows the body to "fly" and relieves of any tightness. Body relaxedness and freedom of movement is one of the hallmarks of psychological health.
By the way, from time to time I conduct my trainings "For adults and inflexible people, as I was before 2009". The training is called "Body flexibility - myths and secrets". My contacts: Viber WhatsUpp telegram +380502290291 https://flexderek.com/stretchingonline/
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