Getting on a split is a lifelong goal for some people, especially girls because this impressive exercise makes them feel more flexible and relaxed.
The ground truth about sitting on a split for man and woman is the same principle that drives muscle flexibility. Girls are naturally born more flexible than a man so comparatively it’s easier for them to do the splits.
however, when you look at the workout program between men and women their preferences are different. The reason they typically follow different workout plans is that men want to build muscles around their arms, shoulder, and pecs whereas women want defined legs and butts.
The structural difference between them makes it more optimal for some girls to be training for splits and less for men.
Research has shown that with consistent practice, even healthy adults can train and eventually learn how to do splits even when they were unable to touch their toes! You can also train at home through online sessions by professional trainers to determine if you have the potential to get the splits.
There are some stretches that you can do at your home to develop flexibility for the splits. They are:
Before you start doing the splits it’s important to stretch out your calves, it will help straighten out your legs when you do splits. Improving calves’ flexibility will make it easier to reach the toes.
Calves flexibility is very important to perform more advanced stretches but it’s often neglected while training for splits.
Let’s do it step by step:
The Goddess stretch strengthens the calves, inner tights, and quadriceps muscles. It also stretches the hips, Upper back, and chest.
This stretch targets the hip area, stretching the muscles and making them flexible. This is one of the best exercises to do in the morning. Doing this stretch will help you keep your hips squared while doing the splits.
This is the pose that prepares you for getting into the perfect split. This is called a runner lunge that stretches your hips, lower back, Legs, and the spine
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