I want to tell you a few words about my school FlexDerekSchool, which I organized, starting with one student in Kyiv in 15 September 2009, this was the beginning of my coaching practice, which I imagined as hobby and just took one or another friend with him to his training.
But then, when my friends in the “word of mouth” system began to advise their acquaintances to study with me, it began to look like a full-fledged section. The first months of my coaching practice September-October-November 2009 we trained twice a week with a group of 3-6 people. This was the beginning of the explosive growth of FlexDerekSchool. Now our school consists of more than a hundred active students and fifty students who are not regularly engaged in stretching (stretching) in Kyiv and in online stretching trainings by us.
The development of body abilities, the development of body flexibility, high joint mobility, flexibility and plasticity, lose weight and lose weight quickly, body control, a high level of stretching – this is what you can learn and gain by doing at FlexDerekSchool.
Training at the FlexDerekSchool body development school is not Yoga, it is training on the author’s set of exercises for the most flexible person on the Planet. Workouts combine stretching exercises and strength training. You don’t need equipment to do the exercises.
To sign up for stretching training session with me:
Click on the icon of the messenger you use.
Please include your: Name.
Desired date and time of the class.
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