Why is there a need for that? What does flexibility give us?
Flexibility and body skills development – what for should we do that and what does it give? – these are the questions, which I hear from every third new student or a person, who is on the verge of making a decision, which sport club, section or gym to choose in order to train their body.
Talking gruffly in a book language – flexibility is increasing amplitude of human body joint movements. And if taking the point further, flexibility and body plasticity – are the foundation of physical development, which gives the freedom of movements, happiness of true body feeling and, besides, it generally revitalizes and rejuvenates the human body.
Moveless life style leads to impairment of circulation, metabolic disturbance, putting on weight and senilism. If you practice body flexibility using your common sense, all processes in your body are normalizing, which, as it may seem, can not be influenced by stretching in any way. For example, digestion, nervous system, blood circulation, metabolism, movements coordination, spatial orientation and much more.
There are always skeptics among us, who are indifferent and lazy. If you are not among them – just try – everyone, who will refer to this article while making an appointment for the first lesson – gets a 10% discount for monthly pass of group trainings.